Saturday, March 22, 2008

Today the Ovi magazine says Water is Life!

Water is life! Water is capital! by Leila Dregger

The development of a lake landscape as a model for the ecological regeneration of the Alentejo.

The IT Tsunami Wave rolls into China by Valerie Sartor
Cyrill Eltschinger, celebrated author of 'Source Code China', confessed that he wrote his book out of personal frustration: he wanted to advertise to the world what China has to offer from a software/high tech perspective.

Please Release Min Wa, a Burmese Refugee by Rohingya Human Rights
Min Wa was arrested by Bangladesh Rifles during the evening of 16 July, 2005, from his family home, while he was enjoying dinner along with his wife and only daughter...

I Parlamentari europei: un po' svogliati, a volte. E non tutti onesti by Newropeans-Magazine
Ogni tanto - un po' per curiosita, un po' per divertimento, un po' anche per senso del dovere - visito i siti delle istituzioni europee: e la parte piu democratica e trasparente dell'UE, ed e anche quella che funziona meglio.

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